While the impact around the Entertainment Taxes continues, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palanisamy and Film Producer Council’s president Vishal has announced a new set of rules for theaters. These rules include no parking charges and online booking charges.
New Rules by Vishal:
1. No selling tickets above the government scheduled rates for each class and theatre type
2. Sell items in canteen on MRP and viewers can take their own water inside
3. No parking charge
4. Online booking charges will be reduced very soon
5. If any theatre caught selling more than govt prices. They will face consequences
The proposed base ticket prices are:
Multiplexes - 150 + GST 28% (42) - Total 192
Other A/C theatres - 120 + GST 28% (33.6) - Total 153.6
Non-A/C theatres - 80 + GST 18% (14.4) - Total 95
New Rules by Vishal:
1. No selling tickets above the government scheduled rates for each class and theatre type
2. Sell items in canteen on MRP and viewers can take their own water inside
3. No parking charge
4. Online booking charges will be reduced very soon
5. If any theatre caught selling more than govt prices. They will face consequences
The proposed base ticket prices are:
Multiplexes - 150 + GST 28% (42) - Total 192
Other A/C theatres - 120 + GST 28% (33.6) - Total 153.6
Non-A/C theatres - 80 + GST 18% (14.4) - Total 95
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