Kalakalappu2 is an Indian Tamil comedy-drama film written and directed by SundarC the movie was produced by Khushbu Sundar, which is a follow-up to the film Kalakalappu which was released by 2012. The film lead roles, Jiiva, Jai, Shiva, NikkiGalrani and CatherineTresa. Music composed by HiphopTamizha. The Kondatam released on Feb 9.
Kalakalappu2 is an Indian Tamil comedy-drama film written and directed by SundarC the movie was produced by Khushbu Sundar, which is a follow-up to the film Kalakalappu which was released by 2012. The film lead roles, Jiiva, Jai, Shiva, NikkiGalrani and CatherineTresa. Music composed by HiphopTamizha. The Kondatam released on Feb 9.
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